I met a lovely lady at a business event last week. She had energy, ambition and a business idea that I know she'd make a success. She’s been talking about launching it for months. But… she hasn’t done anything.
Not one step forward. Not one client onboarded. Not one real action taken.
And I couldn’t help but think - what a wasted opportunity.
Not because she lacks talent. Not because the idea isn’t good enough. But because, like so many others, she’s stuck.
And when I dug a little deeper, I realised exactly why...
1. We Choose Comfort Over Progress
Starting something new means stepping into the unknown. As business owners we've all taken that giant leap but the truth is uncertainty is uncomfortable. This lady wasn’t scared of business. She was scared of what she didn’t know about business. The unknown kept her in limbo.
But here’s the reality: Growth and comfort never co-exist.
If you want to move forward, you have to be willing to embrace uncertainty.
2. Talking Feels Like Action... but it’s not
She’s told friends, family and fellow business owners about her plans. And every time she shares her vision, people get excited for her. That feels good. It gives her a rush of motivation. It almost feels like progress.
But the hard truth?
Talking isn’t doing and until she takes real action and puts her business out there, it’s all just noise.
3. Fear of Failure Freezes Us
The biggest reason she hasn’t started? Fear.
Not just fear of failure, but fear of what that failure might mean. If she launches and it flops, what will people think? If she makes mistakes, will she look unprofessional? What if she’s not as good as she thought?
These fears keep people trapped in 'planning mode' forever. They refine, tweak and prepare… but never actually launch. But the reality? Failure is a requirement for success. If you haven’t failed, you haven’t even started.
4. We Act According to Who We Think We Are
When I asked her what was stopping her, she said - 'I don’t know if I’m really a business owner yet.'
That’s the problem. She doesn’t see herself as an entrepreneur - so she doesn’t act like one. People behave in ways that align with their identity. If you don’t believe you’re a business owner, you’ll hesitate to make business-owner decisions.
The good news?
Identity is a choice. You don’t have to wait for some external confirmation - you just have to decide.
5. The Truth About Success
The people who build great businesses, achieve big goals, and change their lives? They’re not necessarily the smartest, the most prepared, or even the most experienced. They’re just the ones who take action.
So if you’ve been waiting for a sign to start, this is it...
Start now. Even if it’s messy. Even if it’s imperfect. Even if you’re scared.
Because the only way to fail is to do nothing at all.