Last week, I attended the 'Canapés and Connections' networking event in Berkhamsted. I had loads of great conversations but two really stood out for me.
I was chatting with a couple of business owners who’d taken part in 'The Great St Albans Challenge' last October - a charity treasure hunt I set up to raise funds for Youth Talk. They told me how much they enjoyed the event and how it was great to see local businesses using their skills and experience to support community causes.
It got me thinking and I wondered how many of the business owners in the room that night did something as a business to 'give back'?
My guess is that it's a small percentage... but here's the thing.
Every business - no matter its size - has the potential to give back in some way.
It doesn’t have to be on a large scale like 'The Great St Albans Challenge' (which had over 500 people taking part and raised over £8,000 for Youth Talk) :-).
That’s not the point.
The point is that anyone can do something meaningful, whatever the size of the business.
- A plumber could offer some free gas safety checks for OAPs.
- A designer could offer to create some fundraising leaflets for a charity
- A lawyer could helping a worthy cause with some pro-bono legal advice.
- A retailer could easily donate some prizes for a local raffle or fundraiser.
- Any business could give employees a day off to vounteer for a worthy cause.
- Staff could participate in a fund raising challenge.
The list is endless - and easy to implement too.
These small actions add up and they make a difference, not just for the community but for your business too.
They build connections, trust and a sense of purpose that goes beyond the day-to-day grind.
What could you do?
What skill, service, or opportunity could your business offer to make an impact in your community?
Maybe you’ve already been doing something like this, or maybe this sparks a new thought.
Let’s share and inspire each other!